Italia 150 (Centocinquanta)
Centocinquanta 1861-2011
The Italy as one united country will become 150 years old in year 2011. To celebrate the 150th national unity the Italian government and the people of Italy will organize big events. The year 2011 is the year to experience Italy at its best.
For a whole year the first capital of Italy the city of Turin will be the place to relive the past, Not only it is an occasion for Italians but the joy and the glamour will also be shared by the whole world Alike. ExoticItaly invites you to Visit Italy During 2011. We will acquire special room allocations and will coordinate with the organizers of Italia Centocinquanta for special places at all the events and celebrations.
Please bookmark this page and check it regularly to see the new developments and new program announcements. Please feel free to contact us should you require any special arrangements for 2011 or even earlier as the celebration and programs for 2011 have already started.
Italy celebrated its golden Jubilee in 1911 and its 100 years (Golden Jublee) in 1961 now its even more its 150 years celebration. A comitee has already been formed to start the celebrations and their very first show and dinner was held in Rimini in October during the Travel Trade Italia Workshop.
Map of Turnin with places where the celebration os Italia150 will be held.
Italy is a wonderful country there are surprises at every step, travel to Italy any time and you can enjoy a holiday of lifetime. There are flights available from all corners of the world to Italy, You will find the best fares and plane schedules to suit your holiday.
hundred and fifty
History of United Italy,
seen through the rules
of the road
1959-1992 The fourth code
In the long term, from 1959 to 1992, the term of the fourth code of the street,
ever to today most long-lived, Italy was affected by deep economic and social
transformations that have changed
radically profile, thanks to the absence of wars
conversely they had torn the first half of the century. from country
semiagricolo, which he was still at the end of the second war
World, it became a leading industrial power,
with modern production system, flexible and articulated
which he has placed it among the most industrially advanced States
Western capitalist. The main indicator of this
Economic revelation is made up of the product measurement
gross domestic that since the beginning of the fifties to the end
eighties, rose four times and a half, while the
a corresponding increase in average per capita income approaches
one of the most advanced European countries, despite the existence
of inequality and less developed areas. Consequently,
in the same years, significantly improves the standard of living of
population, as some comparative data
in this period, including the number of passenger cars, increased
of 47 times.
Such a context led to an increase in circulation
and to a more distinct internal and international mobility, for
which he poses the need to set a new code and more
updated to the text of 1933, which took account of the
progress of circulation and its components, the
development of the motorway and road network in general, the new
characteristics of vehicles, the number of which was at the time on
two million. The system that this time the legislator chose
follow what was experienced by the great codifications, worth
means the approval of enabling legislation containing the criteria
management, a delegate decree containing the rules governing
the matter in question, and an implementing regulation and
implementation. The enabling law was enacted on February 4
1958 (572). Subsequently, with the Presidential Decree June 15, 1959,
n. 393, it was approving the amended text of the rules on
Road Traffic, which entered into force on 1 July 1959. Yes
It was a text of ten securities comprising 147 articles,
organic but not complete given that the part of the movement
concerning the protection of the roads he was still governed by T.U.
1933. The Title I contains general provisions, where
inter alia is specified the meaning of certain terms to
For the application of the new rules, new this
helpful, given the need to replace the concepts of variables
common language typical and constant meanings; It is abolished
Furthermore the regulatory power of municipalities and authorities
central administration, which are now enabled to enact
only practical measures of traffic control and not
general abstract rules. Title II deals with reports
road, while the Title III contains provisions relating to
vehicles in general, which are better outlined in the following
Titles IV and V with the rules relating to the equipment and their
entry into service. With Title VI begins discipline
affecting the individual as an agent of circulation (requirements,
driver's license, etc.). Title VII contains special provisions, namely
those relating to diplomatic agents, vehicles and drivers of
Armed Forces and State Armed Corps, movement
of vehicles registered in foreign states. Title VIII, one
the most important, contains the rules of conduct. the IX
concerns the traffic police and the penal provisions, Title
X Finally, transitional and final provisions (scope of
administrative authorities, repeal of existing rules).
The adoption of the Consolidated Law system was necessary
to coordinate and unify the provisions and the existing texts,
adapting and modifying them to have taken legal requirements
and social. The profound changes that lay ahead
the country and of which we mentioned at the beginning, required the
construction and operation of new highways, decided with two
read: "the plan Romita" in 1955 with which he foresaw the
realize a series of infrastructure, including the Motorway
Sun, over 700 km, completed October 4, 1964; plan
Zaccagnini "of 1961 in which you programmed the creation of
highways, expressways and fittings for a total of 5,120
Kilometres. Compared to the "Romita plan" was made a
substantial change to the legislation, with the provision that the bulk
concessions, including some already in place, go to
a company controlled shares at 51% by IRI, which constituted
To this end, the Company highways. It was said highways
Second generation, to distinguish them from those built
during fascism, and whose characteristics we have said in
previous number. At the end of 1974 Italy had not only
eliminated the gap than in more developed countries but had the
dual highways of France and two and a half times those
Britain; in absolute terms the Italian network was
second only to the United States and Germany.
The energy crisis of 1973, following the decision
OPEC countries to stop supplying oil to
Western countries that had supported Israel during
the Yom Kippur War, not only prompted the government to adopt
various measures to reduce consumption, among which the most striking
It was the block of the motor traffic on Sundays and
public holidays, which filled the streets of pedestrians, bicycles and any
type of animal-drawn vehicle and muscle-powered, but
also he helped to determine a critical opinion movement
which led to the blocking of construction of additional highways. such
Block was decided in 1975 and was surpassed only seven years after
with the tenth anniversary of the great communication roads Plan.
If the motorway network was now equal if not superior to
that of more developed countries, the endowment total viable
compared to the number of inhabitants it remained however below. a
late eighties, Italy had in fact 5.2 kilometers of road to
every 1,000 inhabitants, compared with 26.5 kilometers of the United States,
20.6 of
Norway, 14.7 in France, 8.0 for Germany, 6.2 of the
Great Britain. In other words, the attention was focused
for too long on the highways and on the large viable network,
instead of on the local roads and especially the needs of
cities, where increased accidents. The modest extension
road would perhaps not have been a problem, the tormented views
topography of our country, if it were not combined with
the high number of cars per inhabitant, given in which
Italy was instead the first places in the world, with serious reflections
traffic and accident record.
The years of the term of the fourth code of the road ('59 -'92)
were also the years in which the phenomenon of road accidents
rises to the absolute social and health emergency priorities.
At the beginning of the 50s (from which you have the first data
officers) the number of road deaths was lower
at 5,500 a year. Twenty years later, in 1972, it will exceed 12,000
units, time high for our country. Since then the number
of deaths was reduced with varying trends. The evolution
history of claims experience in Italy of that period may be
divided into three phases.
1. The '50s and' 60s, during which the number of victims
It grows with similar rates to those of the complex of the countries
that will form the EU 15 but follows a lower "profile", with
mortality rates consistently lower than the European average.
The highest level, as already mentioned, is achieved in 1972
with 20.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, that is, twice the
1953, which was 10.1.
2. In the '70s and' 80s Italy, like almost all the EU's 15 countries,
except Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, which recorded
a phase of intense expansion of mass motorization and
mobility of individual carrier similar to that which had
characterized other European countries in the previous two decades,
is moving towards a phase of reduction of the victims that the reports
the mortality rates of the mid-'50s, following a
glide path that is similar to the European one. however
in the second half of the 80 the reduction of speed
of Italian mortality rate begins to decrease while it remains
substantially constant in the EU 15.
3. In the 90's instead falls into a phase of stagnation;
the number of victims remains substantially constant, contrary
slightly increases (compared to 1989) in the first half of the
decade, just the fifth code when it enters into force
Street . The result is that the Italian mortality rate moves
above the European average with an evolution which is in
sharp contrast to the evolution media.
The longevity of the '59 code is in part due to the periodic
revisions of legislation to adapt it to progress
technical and the needs of a rapidly changing society.
In fact the years of productive development particularly
argued, the real economic miracle between 1958
and 1963, with weary steps and setbacks which it was
that of 1981-83 when the annual growth was only the
0.6%. A development which had one of its driving forces
the abundant labor supply fed by
internal migration, which took on a real character
Mass since the mid-50s and veered down
the central axis south-north, towards the industrial triangle (MilanoTorino-Genoa),
with minor regional axes shorter-range,
from the countryside to the cities and the mountain and hill areas
Alps and Apennines to the plains. Since the mid-60s
also they went spreading with unexpected vitality
thousands of micro, often family-run,
especially in the countryside of central and north-east,
which still constitute one of the pillars of our
productive system. But those years were also years of intense
cultural changes, costume, demographic. Until the beginning of
50s saying it was still dominant in Italy the family
traditional, faithful to the values of Catholic morality, in which
there were strong ties with kinship, marriage was
union considered valid for life and was credited with a
great value to the procreation of children. From then on you
witness a reduction in the number of marriages, increase
of marital separations and divorces, the liberalization
the sexual sphere, control and reduction of births, with
following supremacy of the "nuclear family", increment
the elderly, slowing population growth,
which amounted to almost 55 million in 1970.
This long period ('59 -'92) the years between 1969 and the first
eighties remain in the collective experience and memory
history of Italian as a dark and disturbing interlude,
not so much in economic terms, during which we witnessed
only to a slowing down and not to an interruption of the values
real economy (income, investment, employment, etc.),
As the political and institutional level. In fact the years of
frequent ministerial crises that create dangerous power vacuum,
the unfolding of the so-called "strategy of tension"
which started out with the massacre of Piazza Fontana in Milan
December 12, 1969, bombings of the dripping (square of
Loggia in Brescia, Italicus train, both in 1974, the
massacre at Bologna railway station in August 1980)
and especially of the birth and development of a "terrorism
Red "that will bleed the subsequent years.
Upon entry into force of the fourth code of the road
automobile production, to return to the factors of circulation
and in particular to the vehicle, it was definitely the driving industry,
given the enormous induced that generated (gasoline, highways,
tires, repair shops and maintenance services in general, activities
commercial, insurance, etc.). The vehicle fleet in 1959
He exceeded two million. The car spread occurred despite
a high tax burden, especially on gasoline, which in
In 1958 it cost 135 pounds per liter, of which 98 were of taxes. Two
years later, meeting the many protests, the government put into effect
a first disregard that brought down the price of 100 pounds
per liter. In those years the three top models of the main house
It was the Italian automaker Fiat 600, the new 500 and
1100. It probably has already said that the 500 and 600 were
the two cars who carried out the individual car
in Italy, and who remain in the collective symbol
the economic miracle. The number of Italians who buy the car
continues to grow at a fast pace but, in the early
sixty (1962), the individual motors in our country
It is still essentially in two wheels, given the preponderance
of motor vehicles (4,248,637), in particular of Vespas and Lambrettas,
than cars (3,030,056). The early sixties are also
the years that mark the "fast" car on the train
transport over long distances, as evidenced by the challenge
launched in April 1961 by the magazine Quattroruote: a
Alfa Romeo challenged the Settebello of Railways between Milan and
Rome, employing 5 hours and 59 minutes compared to 6 hours and 37 minutes
train, despite the Autostrada del Sole, then came
only in Florence.
At the beginning of 1970 enters into force the Law of 24 December 1969
n. 990, which made compulsory, as it was already very
widespread, insurance civil liability arising out
use of motor vehicles and ships.
In the seventies, the percentage increase of motor vehicles
circulating and was lower for the first time, in 1978, he was recorded
even a small decrease at 1.85%, but the car's spread
was now very high: in 1975 vehicles registered
They were 16.2 million, in 1981 over 20 million in 1991, on the eve
retirement of the fourth code of the street, reach an altitude
31 million (the vehicles are now over 48 million). The region with
the largest number of vehicles resulted Lombardy,
followed by Lazio, but the differences between one area and another were now
irrelevant since the early unitary post, because the car had
penetrated deeply and cities across the country campaigns.
Moreover, in the early nineties, the Italian roads clogged
the car began to show the effects of a bully
multiplication of foreign competition, particularly
Asian models. In the mid-eighties, just to face
to the problems posed by the high urban traffic, they are adopted
the first traffic plans.
We want to close this meeting, as we are now
used to do, with some news on the supervisory bodies. Article
137, in listing the bodies who are entrusted with the performance of
traffic police services, says that it is up in the main street
the officers, NCOs, and graduated the specialty guards
traffic police of the Public Security Guards Corps.
The Traffic Police, after the organizational form established
Minister Scelba in 1949 which rearranged the basis of 16
Compartmental commands and sections on a provincial basis, which
it ceased to depend on the police headquarters, but remaining
under the provincial command of the Corps of Guards P.S.
for administrative purposes, it will find its final organization
by Law No. 121/1981. The Departments of specialties the law
to confer the widest autonomy reform, while
Quaestor having to report to the questions concerning the order
and public safety.
The Traffic Police, over the years we are discussing, meets
the great need for mobility and road safety also
through a continuous updating of their strategies
operational. The remarkable flexibility of its structure the
It allows to adapt to the changes taking place, both through courses
training at the training center of Cesena, both
equipping of vehicles and special equipment able to counteract
certain phenomena. So at this time we pass by
rudimentary equipment for the control of the tires and of the
vehicle weight of the fifties, the electronic meters of
speed, the sound level meters to determine the extent of pollution
sound, to breathalyzers to find out who driving while
drunkenness nineties.
* Deputy Commissioner of Police
* Police Service Street Rome
... continue
Source: ANFIA for motor vehicles; Istat for motorcycles
- G. Biserni and L. Borselli, Yearbook of road safety 210, Sapignoli, Torriana
(RN), 2010
- Colucci-Paloscia, Traffic Police fifty years, Istituto Poligrafico and Zecca
dello Stato, Roma, 1997
- De Agostini, Large encyclopedia, Novara, 1992
- F. Della Peruta, nineteenth History, Le Monnier, Florence, 1995
- F. Garri, History of legal regulation of road traffic, La Tribuna, Piacenza,
- S. Maggi, History of Transport in Italy, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
- A. and M. Paloscia Salticchioli, Chiefs of Police - The history of public
safety through the interior ministry strategies, Laurus Robuffo, Rome, 2003
- Protospataro G., the Highway Code commented, Forl?, Egaf, 2006
- Tamburrino G. and P. Cialdini, Commentary on the new code of the street,
Turin, UTET, 1994
- D. Tinti, From the Royal Carabinieri 121 - Origins and History of the Police
Forces in Italy, Perusia, Perugia, 1999
- National Council on Road Safety White Paper - State of Road Safety,
implementation of the national plan, initial assessments - General Budget,
Rome, April 2007