Sports & Music Tours
Exotic Italy has a special partner ship with Italian Team the most famous sports and specialty travel provider in Italy. This section of our web site lists special promotions for upcoming sports, music, opera, drama, film and numerous other events being held in Italy. You can combine these packages with any of our other city packages or simply extend your stay at same hotels for longer periods.
UCL First Knockout Round Milano tickets and hotel packages
OASIS MILANO - DatchForum 2 Feb
1 night in Hotel 3* + Ticket 125,00 per person in Twn/Dbl room occupancy
basis.Buffet Breakfast included 35,00pp single supl.
? 40,00pp ticket upgrade Tribuna Gold
Rates are per person Additional Nights in Milano can be requested
Book this Tour Now
AC-DC Black Ice Milano
MILANO - DatchForum March 19th + 21st 2009
1 night in Hotel 3* + ticket 225,00pp in Twn/Dbl room - Buffet Breakfast
included 35,00pp single supl.
Rates are per person Additional Nights in Milano can be requested
Book this Tour Now
Bob Dylan in Concert in Milano
April 15th 2009
1 night in Hotel 3* + ticket parterre 115,00pp in Twn/Dbl room - Buffet
Breakfast included 35,00pp single supl.
? 45,00pp upgrade in 1st ring numbered
Rates are per person
Prospekts March COLDPLAY UDINE
? Stadio FRIULI
August 31st 2009 1 night in Hotel 3* + ticket parterre
? 140,00pp in Twn/Dbl room - Buffet Breakfast included
? 45,00pp single supl.
? 30,00pp up-grade in numbered covered stand
Rates are per person
Eagles - Long Road Out in Eden
MILANO - DatchForum Jun 13th 2009
1 night in Hotel 3* + ticket parterre
? 170,00pp in Twn/Dbl room - Buffet Breakfast included
? 45,00pp single supl.
? 35,00pp upgrade on 2nd
ring no numbered
? 90,00pp upgrade on 1st
ring numbered
Rates are per person
Metallic World Magnetic Tour
MILANO - DatchForum Jun 22nd , 2009 9.00pm
1 night in Hotel 3* + ticket GOLD 1st ring
? 185,00pp in Twn/Dbl room - Buffet Breakfast included
? 45,00pp single supl.
? 30,00pp ticket upgrade Parterre
? 80,00pp ticket upgrade Tribuna Platinum 1st ring
Rates are per person
Music by Richard Wagner
Action in three acts
Libretto by Richard Wagner
Production of the Teatro alla Scala
Teatro alla Scala Milano being played in
June & July.